Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to do water change for the shrimp tank

Due to the nature sensitivity of the high grade CRS, a dripping water change technique is required to keep berried CRS comfortable to bread and prevent ph shock to the shrimps.

This is my DIY "dripping water change" kit ,put together by Maxi-Jet and Eheim Double Tap Connector Valve followed by fold-back binder clip.

With adjustable vale you will be able to control the amount of the water dripping into the tank.

You can also add required water addictive such as CaCO3(Calcium carbonate) or so to increase the GH , depend on your local water condition.

Also during the winter you can also put a larger heater in the bucket if you just fill up the bucket with the tap water.

Remember Maxi-Jet 1200 Power Head is required to pump the water up to the tank , anything below 1200 will not have enough power to do so .